Falah-e-Aam Trust Jammu & Kashmir Brief Facts and History

The Head Office of The Falah-e-aam Trust

A registered non-political educational Trust having a vast reputation in the educational field of the entire Jammu & Kashmir region. It is a popular educational institution compared by none. It has provided tremendous services in its peculiar field but unfortunately it became a victim of the state high-handedness without any fault. It has nothing to do with the politics or different political ideologies in vogue in this region but still then certain baseless allegations are leveled against this noble institution whose tremendous services in educating the society and promotion of the education amongst the poor and downtrodden class of the society are unparalleled. It teaches the students both male and female without any discrimination of colour, creed or region on very low tuition fee. It has always adhered to the law of the land strictly and never infringed any law or the rule or the regulation, whatsoever. It
never indulged in any activity other than the academic one and always remained aloof from the political differences common in th society. It provided its noble services to all and sundry, without considering the political or religious affiliation of the students or their families.
Falah-e-Aam Trust is a Govt. registered educational institution affiliated to the JK BOSE and always taught according to the Government approved curricula and courses of study and all the allegations regarding imparting any radical or fanatic ideology by the Trust are unfounded and false, spread by a vicious defamatory propaganda, the result of which was that the Govt. banned the Trust on 11th May , 1990 declaring the Trust as an unlawful associationunder the unlawful Activities (P) Act 1967. Though the ban was not confirmed as required under the law and the Trust started its functions very soon thereafter and kept on serving the nation with all enthusiasm by dissemination of knowledge throughout the region of Jammu and Kashmir in far flung areas where there were even no Govt. schools. Thousands of students, both male and female were taught in the schools under the proper guidance of the Trust.

Some Distinctive Features and Achievements of the Trust from 1989
to 2021 are given hereunder:

  1. Total No. of outgoing students from the schools
  2. affiliated with the Trust 29350
  3. No. of students qualifying NEET Examination. 1730
  4. No. of students passing MBBS 956
  5. No. of students passing B.E 825
  6. No. of students serving in police and
    other security agencies. 3931
  7. No. of students joining politics 76
  8. No. of students becoming
    *Scientists 46
    *Professors 1190
    *Govt. Lecturers 997
    *Govt. Teachers 2531
    *Lawyers 213
    *Judicial officers 12
    *IPS officers 02
    *KAS officers 03
    *IRS officers 02
    *IFS officers 02
    *Technicians 457
    These are 12973 in total where as the citizens who are playing prominent
    role in social field are in thousands , who are engaged in different fields
    serving the nation with their abilities. A good number of athletes, orators,
    mediators and jurists produced by the Trust have achieved a fame by their good and excellent performances . Furthermore the Trust has provided free education out of its meager sources of income to the orphans (3520) and the children of the poor families (2500) and thereby participating in the noble work of eradicating the illiteracy from the society. The Trust has played a prominent role in this aspect which is appreciated by all those who are somehow having the knowledge of the activities and performances of the Trust.The Trust has assisted the Govt. in eradication of unemployment as it has recruited hundreds of teaching and non-teaching staff in its institutions and offices. Thus the role of the Trust in eradication of the poverty from the society is also commendable but unfortunately the Trust is looked upon by the Govt. agencies with suspicion though it has been time and again clarified that the Trust is a non-political entity engaged in spreading the education throughout J&K without any discrimination of region or religion but its clarifications were not considered seriously. That is why it is still the target of the political vendetta. The Trust once again makes it amply clear that it has no political ambitions and works exclusively for the dissemination of knowledge and eradication of illiteracy in the society. Besides the Govt. approved courses of study, the Trust provides the moral teachings among the students so as to recreate the sense of being positive and sincere citizens of the nation. The Trust never preaches anything which may develop any feelings of religious or regional hatred or extreme ideologies amongst its students and all such allegations are totally baseless and vehemently refuted. The Trust helps the student community to understand their social and moral responsibilities towards the society and the nation so that they can participate with all their abilities and capabilities in forming a strong, prosperous and peaceful nation.

*Director Falah-e-Aam,Trust J&K

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